The Christmas 2022 edition of The Status Quo: An Electronic Newsletter is dedicated to America’s health care workers. They are being asked for a fourth straight year to sacrifice for the good of the nation. Yet profiteers will exploit their good nature and push them to exhaustion. They will hear how much a  grateful nation appreciates their sacrifices but will come to know that counts for nothing. They will also learn they are as disposable as the soldier. How else can one explain the fact that thousands of Americans are today denying health care workers rental applications because property managers know that no one wants an Emergency Room nurse living near them.  

Spotlight on America 

The recent report by the Maryland Attorney General’s Office once again proves the depth of the cruelty  and the degree of culpability of Catholic leaders in the systematic rape of young boys. Despite the Herculean efforts of the Missing Angels Legal Fund Inc.’s volunteers some 20 years ago, the Catholic Church continues to hide pedophiles while the American people continue to look the other way. In fact, the demand to hold accountable priests who raped boys pales in comparison to the demands of the  American people that gas prices be lowered by any means necessary.  

After a New Report on Clerical Sexual Abuse, Alleged Victims Need Justice appeared in The Washington  Post, November 18, 2022 digital edition. As if to remind us that we, as a nation, have abandoned His little ones, the article sums up a history of abuse just in Maryland that should bring shame to the people of Maryland. Also appearing in another daily paper was the Vatican’s announcement of its new policy of ethical investing. Catholic Church Issues Guidelines on Ethical Investing appeared in The New York Times a week later and was spiritually uplifting. To know how serious the Vatican now takes ethical investing must  help the lucky Catholics sleep better at night. Not sure if it helps the countless unlucky Catholics who cannot forget the pain of being anally sodomized as a boy.

As cruel as the Catholic Church’s efforts are to shield pedophiles from law enforcement, it is the abject failure of our governments to put Catholic priests in prison that is the real tragedy. Pedophiles and practicing homosexuals within the priesthood will always protect each other. It is the American criminal justice system that is to blame. It is so rotten and corruption so pervasive that if a child rapist has sufficeint funds or support in high and holy places, he can get away with raping two or three boys before he can expect the impotent system of justice to take action. In fact, the catastrophe at Uvalde, TX this year was just a glimpse into the epic failure of the American people to protect His little ones. We all failed in  Uvalde, TX. Only His little ones are blameless.  

Despite this national shame, there were men and women who did not let the love of money and  indifference dictate their actions. In fact, almost two years before reporters from The Boston Globe decided to take seriously a Boston attorney who was using the civil system to expose pedophiles and  hold the Cathloic Church accountable, a few Christians in Michgian were listening to a Detroit attorney who was using the civil system and the world wide web to expose and hold accountable Catholic leaders for ensuring that men who raped boys could continue to do so unabated. Only in Detroit, accountability  meant something different. Something more.  

Cardinals Szoka and Maida, Bishops Kevin Britt and Thomas Gumbleton and many parish priests across Michigan will not soon forget the Missing Angels Legal Fund, Inc.’s volunteers preaching the gospel according to Jesus Christ during their masses. Nor will they soon forget learning of the Status Quo’s  existence and then meeting him in the flesh. Yet those memories pale in comparison to the reaction of  Michigan Catholics when on Easter Sunday twenty years ago they learned how many pedophiles Cardinal Szoka and Bishop Britt protected to the point of obstructing justice. And if that was not enough, the Status Quo would also tell them of the 30 year sexual relationship they carried on with each other while protecting countless pedophiles and sacrificing His little ones.  

What then does this trip down memory lane have to do with life in America on the day Christians  celebrate the birth of the Messiah. Like so many other articles posted on Christmas and in His honor, this article is a warning to the American people of what will happen if the status quo remains unchanged. Since it is clear the American people have abandoned their children just as they abandoned  their Veterans, their elderly and more recently their health care workers, it is imperative Americans of all political persuasions understand that the abandonment of those who sacrifice for the common good will bring an end to this American experiment faster than any Chinese biological attack.  

So as Americans ponder the state of affairs in their country this Christmas, they can do so knowing that  the future of their country is bleak. Our national leaders have failed to lead for decades and we turn a blind eye to $31 trillion of debt. Our local governments have failed to protect our children for decades and we turn a blind eye hoping the next school shooting will not be in our child’s school. We can no longer turn a blind eye. We, as citizens of the greatest republic in history, can reject the sickening choices career politicians give us. Force 10 year old rape victims to carry the child to term to show how much Republicans love children or extract the fetus’ brain tissue so a well-funded laboratory can create  miracle cures for Democratic elites is the choice they feed us and it must stop. Let this native Detroiter,  child abuse survivor, lawyer, former Army Officer and serving soldier of Christ be the guiding light to  those tired of turning a blind eye. There is a way forward. Just follow me.  

Spotlight on Israel  

Mazel Tov to the new Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Although not new to politics or to the  job, Prime Minister Netanyahu is perhaps the most accomplished politician living today. Presidents Xi and Putin may be consummate politicians, but they are not operating in a free society. Prime Minister Netanyahu is operating within a free and democratic society at least for the moment.  

Despite this Newsletter’s past criticisms of the Prime Minister, especially the sharp words directed at  him during the Second Intifada, this article is not about criticizing Prime Minister Netanyahu’s decisions  or his party’s policies. This article is about convincing Israel’s new leader that if and when he decides to  order the airstrikes on Iran’s major uranium enrichment facilities and missile production sites that he will consider adding six (6) additional targets to the mission. In an effort to help the Prime Minister as he again navigates the dangerous neighborhood in which his country resides, this Christian wants him to know that an opportunity exists to send a clear and  unambiguous message to Christians that Israel stands with them in their efforts to stop genocide and  end the pain and suffering of Iranian girls. This opportunity should not be dismissed out-of-hand as the idea of a delusional American. It is an opportunity for Israel to lead the way in not only condemning genocide but confronting it with force. Kiev’s cries for help this Christmas most assuredly sound like those that emanated from Warsaw on Hanukkah in 1942. 

To the author, it is only a matter of time before Israel is left with no choice but to strike Iran’s uranium enrichment installations. When men who murder girls for how they wear their hair are allowed to  possess the nuclear capability to strike nations whose leaders have cursed for 50 years, the time to act cannot be passed on to other politicians. The world’s liberal elites have lost the stomach for action. They see these heretics as people that can be trusted. What they do not see is that these men present a clear and present danger to humanity and as such must be stopped now. Later is simply not an option.  

Since it is already a matter of national pride that Israel aids Ukraine, it is only logical that Israelis will  support doing what needs to be done to stop the flow of missiles and drones to Russia. As such, this Christian and longtime supporter of Israel requests that six (6) locations in and around Tehran be added  to this ‘mother of all’ airstrikes to paraphrase another monster silenced by the sword. As for the locations, they house the core of Iran’s hardline religious leaders. The same leaders who preach death to  Israel while rewarding those who brutalize His little ones.  

With respect to Russia’s crimes in Ukraine, Russia Trafficks in Ukrainian Children by Nicolas Kristoff  appeared in the 23 November 2022 digital edition of The New York Times is a searing indictment of the  Russian leader, government and many of its people. Unfortunately, many Americans believe what is  happening in Ukraine has nothing to do with America. These social media warriors just don’t see the  value in supporting Ukraine. These are the same fools who don’t see the value of vaccines, the rule of  law and common decency. Therefore, it must be Israel that fires the first shot if only because decisions  are being made now that will affect the global economy in ways no central banker can imagine or career politician can understand. There is however one democratic politician who might understand what is at stake. There might be one democratic politician who understands what must be done to stop two evil  regimes. This same politician might realize that the stakes are so high that sending a message to those  suffering in Iran and Ukraine might just pay dividends when the Middle East is turned upside down and Christians are once again ordered to the MIddle East to fight and die.  

Happy Hanukkah Prime Minister. We wish you luck.